Daily Archives: October 29, 2011

I See Dead People

One of the great failures of modern evangelicalism (even of the Reformed variety) is a practical failure to understand the condition of men.  I will write more about this shortly, but for now I want to ask you a simple question….What do you see when you lay eyes on your fellow man?  Jesus saw people as scattered sheep without a shepherd.  He saw them as bound and blind and deaf and diseased.  Paul saw them furthermore as dead people.  Do you see people in regard to outer appearance?  Happy, sad, slim, fat, short, tall, successful, educated, proud, loser, black, white, urban, rural, square, hip, gay, straight, etc.  We need eyes to see the living dead around us.  Only when we see people as dead will we understand what men really need.  Power.  Resurrection power.  Divine power displayed through the gospel.  When we focus overmuch on the package and the presentation and our appearance thinking it will somehow do what only divine power can achieve we are failing to understand what God has called us to be and to do.